Not Every Hindrance is Sinful

Hebrews 12:1 – “Therefore… let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely…”

Not every hindrance is inherently sinful. Indeed, the enemy is often most able to hold us down with things that we consider harmless. This is why everything has to go (“sell everything and follow Me”), not just things that are inherently sinful. These things can be especially dangerous, because unlike blatant sin, we believe that we’re OK, or that it’s even helpful. What we don’t see is how we take it to excess, or how God has been trying to get us to surrender it completely, but we tell ourselves, “there’s nothing wrong with X”. We are hindered and the hindrance is fully justified in our minds because we are focused on ourselves, not God.

We must guard against these things, because the hardest cancer to heal is the one that we don’t believe is cancer.

One thought on “Not Every Hindrance is Sinful

  1. This is so true, I was faced with this revelation earlier this year. It’s so amazi g how we can truly think something is harmless and then BAM, God’s like “ummm no, you have to stop this, right now”.

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