Journaling and Despair

As I thumbed through old journal entries, I came across a time in my life where I was tempted very badly to despair about certain things in my life… one of those things being my life in general. God taught me many things in that time of my life, and I was able to overcome it through His grace on me. Reading this over again has lead me to two thoughts:

1.) Journaling is a profound tool. If I were honest with you, I would say to you that I had completely forgotten about this time in my life. This is not nearly so tragic as the fact that I had also forgotten what God had shown me in that time. Remembering as I read those entries again encourages me and gives me strength. Journaling is not important so that we have some record of our actions in life, but so that we do not forget God’s actions in our lives.

2.) Despairing is putting your trust somewhere it should not be. If a general surrenders, it is because he has recognized that he cannot win the battle, and so he surrenders. He is trusting in his enemy’s power to defeat him. My friends, this should not be so with the children of Christ. If we despair, we trust in the enemy’s power and give up. However, even if we give up, we will still learn our lesson, for the enemy is incapable of true victory even then (as Christ has already won), but then we will have missed all the opportunities God created in that seemingly hopeless situation. If we trust in Him when a situation appears hopeless, He can then use us in ways we cannot then conceive because of what we see and feel.

In short, I believe journaling is a way to remember His goodness to us in the past, for the enemy is constantly working to make us forget. It is only when we forget the extent and immensity of God’s goodness that we are tempted to despair.


3 thoughts on “Journaling and Despair

  1. Doug,
    As I read this piece this afternoon I was absolutley moved by the confirmation that God has been speaking to me this last week about the importance of journaling my thoughts and prayers to Him. Thank you for making this open to me.

  2. Very true—I’ve posted the same sentiments many times. Just came across a cool link that will help you turn your Blog into book form so you can pass it down or thumb through. Pretty cool,eh?

    Thank you for your e-mail, I will reply in the next couple of days. It’s 1:30AM so I’m going to sleep! 🙂

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